The website of our um how to call it - the place you go to play card games and board games - had a simple website with some information about tournaments, about us, contact info etc. We decided to make it more appealing for the players and decided to turn it into something dark as there is an upcoming Magic: The Gathering set full of Vampirea and Werewolves.
The original site was done only in html and consisted of few files that I was updating manually.
My collegue told me that it would be nice to have a calendar and some other stuff that could come handy (registration). For that I knew that I would need to do the page in php.
So what did I do?
- The first step was to have the site in php. I divided structure of each file so I could be including this later. I might do another subdivision on the tournaments page as there is too many things already.
- I added a calender. Now it looks terrible but I was too lazy to be figuring out how it should look
- I created background (based on Liliana picture from Innistrad box) and figured out how to do transparent elements - oh I discovered CSS3 a novelty to me!
(yeah of course all those nice thingies and such DON'T work in Internet Explorer so don't expect my site to look good in it. But well everything is discarded and does not show so that's ok...) - I created a database and registration form for the tournaments.
- I added a line of code that tells me what week is - either odd or even so the players know what FNM it is. The output actually says just Standard or Boosterdraft. Good thing!
- I have RSS feed there as well, it feeds Facebook from time to time, but with a huge delay. I have no idea what causes this. Anyone has an idea?
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