There is a new Magic: The Gathering expansion set. Sometimes with the set we can decide what type of illustration we want or try to draw/paint our own illustrations (as we get the description of the cards as well). The given description is only for a few cards (usually max. 3) and this happens once per 3 months (if it does).
During this night I remembered that some of the people I know from a forum are doing some art contests that are run by someone from WotC.
This person is Jon Schindehette, a Senior Art Director (for the game Dungeons and Dragons) from Wizards of the Coast. Each 14 days he usually comes up with a challenge people can follow and submit. The actual challenge is preparing a concept that could be used for SFX team to create a magic spell effect.
The description follows:
Level 9 Warlock Power
Feast of Souls
Souls trapped in the Nine Hells are hungry for life. Opening a temporary rift, you give them a taste of your foes' vitality.
Daily • Arcane, Cold, Implement, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action
Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target each creature in burst
Attack Constitution vs will
Hit: 1d8 + Constitution modifier psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Effect: The burst creates a zone of hungry spirits that lasts until the end of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain. Each creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 1d8 + your Constitution modifier cold damage. As a move action, you can move the zone 2 squares.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists
This kind of challenges is something I would like to follow, but it has some problems. I need to create something on a weekly basis and something that would be 'doable' for me. My drawing skills are not that good. But if I could come up with a drawing challenge for each week this would be something I would like to do. But we will see, I still have few days to decide^^. But coming up with the challenges might be a problem.
EDIT: Daarken is a god of digital painting O_O
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