Sunday, December 13, 2009

Final Audio Assignment

Today I had to finish our final project for the Sound Class. I was afraid that something would go wrong (well...the exported data does not work but might be just our computers not wanting to read the DVD???). Anyway I choose for this assignment Secret World trailer (I have no idea what it is so don't ask me) and I created the sound effects and put it all together and processed it so it could be aired on TV.

There are still some things I would like to work on a bit longer but due to having problems with ProTools I did not manage it on time.

So here's the video. There's a licensed song used in it (Injection of Love) so I won't rather upload it to youtube...

I learned a lot during the classes. I realized what can be done with sound effects and what is needed for a video to have a professional sound. I know now what needs to be done to create a well done podcast or moderate something on radio or TV. The class was valuable and I would like to continue taking other sound classes as well.

In the video below. The sound starts to get late from a certain point and I did not manage to get the sound into the right speakers at the right time. I had a really hard time with this and it is something I need to learn and find a way how to do it properly. Otherwise I'm quite happy with the result, especially when I did not have that much time to finish it.


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