I don't really have a creative period but by doing the exercise I wanted to learn something and produce something if possible.
I was defining space with polyhedra because that seemed to me as a good way of showing how I feel what space is. I can hardly explain it with words but polyhedra expresses that well.
With time it's similar. When I want to know something about time like 'what time is it', 'how long does it take to go to place B from place A' I want to know the exact minutes. When I play certain games the precision I need must be much higher - in terms of milliseconds usually.
When I was trying to come up with something that would define time or show the way how I feel about it... I ended up with a video script. When I cut video, add subtitles etc. I use frames or time that can work with ms. So to show you the passing of time I decided to take a video and add subtitles to it.
In the end I came up with two videos - one showing 1:37 divided into 1 s segments and other one divided into 5 s segments.
Now you can watch the video and be tortured by a boring game of Magic.(it is a really fast game for Magic, I did not want to torture you that much. But long enough so you would feel uncomfortable watching the video)
Under the actual video I posted the second script that processed the video and audio.
#GETvideo = AVISource("00027_xvid.AVI")
audio = WAVSource("sound1a.wav")
video=Levels(video,0, 1.4, 255, 0, 255)
#output=AudioDub(video, audio)
video1 = BlankClip(length=14440, width=848, height=636, fps=50, color=$000000)
#videox=videox.BilinearResize(848, 480)
black=BlankClip(length=14440, width=848, height=636, fps=50, color=$000000)
#output=output.BilinearResize(360, 480)
v_b1=Layer(black, videox,"add",257,0,0,use_chroma=true) #257
v_b2=Layer(v_b1, output,"add",257,x=0, y=78,use_chroma=true) #257
final=AudioDub(v_b2, audio).trim(290,14440)
blue=BlankClip(length=14440, width=848, height=636, fps=50, color=$475569)
final=Overlay(blue, final, x = 0, y = 0, mode="softlight", opacity=0.7)
Subtitle("S'Tsung (Domain Zoo) vs David (Highlander Naya Zoo)", first_frame=30, last_frame=160, y=20,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("I needed two fast decks so I went for 2 Zoos", first_frame=30, last_frame=230, y=600,size=20, align=2)
Subtitle("The video was taken to show progression of time for a school project", first_frame=170, last_frame=370, y=20,size=25, align=8)
Subtitle( "Video originally in FullHD was converted to xvid using a script", first_frame=380, last_frame=580, y=20,size=25, align=8)
Subtitle( "(because the original format is simply impossible to work with)", first_frame=590, last_frame=790, y=20,size=25, align=8)
Subtitle("After that the video was processed using AviSynth and VirtualDub", first_frame=800, last_frame=1000, y=20,size=25, align=8)
Subtitle( "5 sec", first_frame=250, last_frame=350, y=24,size=25, align=2)
Subtitle( "10 sec", first_frame=500, last_frame=700, y=24,size=25, align=2)
Subtitle( "15 sec", first_frame=750, last_frame=950, y=24, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("20 sec", first_frame=1001, last_frame=1201, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("25 sec", first_frame=1250, last_frame=1450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("30 sec", first_frame=1500, last_frame=1700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("35 sec", first_frame=1750, last_frame=1950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("40 sec", first_frame=2000, last_frame=2200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("45 sec", first_frame=2250, last_frame=2450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("50 sec", first_frame=2500, last_frame=2700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("55 sec", first_frame=2750, last_frame=2950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("60 sec", first_frame=3000, last_frame=3200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 05 sec", first_frame=3250, last_frame=3450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 10 sec", first_frame=3500, last_frame=3700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 15 sec", first_frame=3750, last_frame=3950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 20 sec", first_frame=4000, last_frame=4200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 25 sec", first_frame=4250, last_frame=4450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 30 sec", first_frame=4500, last_frame=4700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 35 sec", first_frame=4750, last_frame=4950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 40 sec", first_frame=5000, last_frame=5200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 45 sec", first_frame=5250, last_frame=5450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 50 sec", first_frame=5500, last_frame=5700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("1 min 55 sec", first_frame=5750, last_frame=5950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 00 sec", first_frame=6000, last_frame=6200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 05 sec", first_frame=6250, last_frame=6450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 10 sec", first_frame=6500, last_frame=5700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 15 sec", first_frame=6750, last_frame=6950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 20 sec", first_frame=7000, last_frame=7200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 25 sec", first_frame=7250, last_frame=7450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 40 sec", first_frame=7500, last_frame=7700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 45 sec", first_frame=7750, last_frame=7950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 50 sec", first_frame=8000, last_frame=8200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("2 min 55 sec", first_frame=8250, last_frame=8450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 00 sec", first_frame=8500, last_frame=8700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 05 sec", first_frame=8750, last_frame=8950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 10 sec", first_frame=9000, last_frame=9200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 15 sec", first_frame=9250, last_frame=9450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 20 sec", first_frame=9500, last_frame=9700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 25 sec", first_frame=9750, last_frame=9950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 30 sec", first_frame=10000, last_frame=10200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 35 sec", first_frame=10250, last_frame=10450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 40 sec", first_frame=10500, last_frame=10700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 45 sec", first_frame=10750, last_frame=10950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 50 sec", first_frame=11000, last_frame=11200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("3 min 55 sec", first_frame=11250, last_frame=11450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("4 min 00 sec", first_frame=11500, last_frame=11700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("4 min 05 sec", first_frame=11750, last_frame=11950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("4 min 10 sec", first_frame=12000, last_frame=12200, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("4 min 15 sec", first_frame=12250, last_frame=12450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("4 min 20 sec", first_frame=12500, last_frame=12700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("4 min 25 sec", first_frame=12750, last_frame=12950, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("4 min 30 sec", first_frame=13000, last_frame=13200, y=24,size=30, align=2)
Subtitle("4 min 35 sec", first_frame=13250, last_frame=13450, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("4 min 40 sec", first_frame=13500, last_frame=13700, y=24,size=30, align=8)
Subtitle("Goblin Guide", first_frame=2763, last_frame=2963, y=20,size=30, align=9)
Subtitle("Wild Nacatl", first_frame=3358, last_frame=3558, y=20,size=30, align=7)
Subtitle("Jungle Lion", first_frame=3535, last_frame=3735, y=20,size=30, align=9)
Subtitle("Qasali Pridemage", first_frame=4755, last_frame=4955, y=20,size=30, align=7)
Subtitle("Chain Lightning", first_frame=5833, last_frame=6033, y=20,size=30, align=9)
Subtitle("Gaddock Teeg", first_frame=8512, last_frame=8712, y=20,size=30, align=9)
Subtitle("Lightning Helix", first_frame=9133, last_frame=9333, y=20,size=30, align=7)
Subtitle("Grim Lavamancer", first_frame=10560, last_frame=10760, y=20,size=30, align=7)
Subtitle("Tribal Flames", first_frame=10839, last_frame=11039, y=20,size=30, align=7)
Subtitle("Magma Jet", first_frame=11809, last_frame=12009, y=20,size=30, align=9)
Subtitle("Tribal Flames", first_frame=12963, last_frame=13163, y=20,size=30, align=7)
Subtitle("20 - S'Tsung", first_frame=2378, last_frame=2993, size=30, align=1)
Subtitle("20 - David", first_frame=2378, last_frame=2727,size=30, align=3)
Subtitle("18 - S'Tsung", first_frame=2993, last_frame=3401, size=30, align=1)
Subtitle("18 - David", first_frame=2728, last_frame=4887, size=30, align=3)
Subtitle("16 - S'Tsung", first_frame=3402, last_frame=3909, size=30, align=1)
Subtitle("14 - S'Tsung", first_frame=3910, last_frame=4697, size=30, align=1)
Subtitle("12 - S'Tsung", first_frame=4698, last_frame=5773, size=30, align=1)
Subtitle("14 - David", first_frame=4888, last_frame=6860, size=30, align=3)
Subtitle("8 - S'Tsung", first_frame=5774, last_frame=9177, size=30, align=1)
Subtitle("11 - David", first_frame=6861, last_frame=8127, size=30, align=3)
Subtitle("8 - David", first_frame=8128, last_frame=10459, size=30, align=3)
Subtitle("9 - S'Tsung", first_frame=9178, last_frame=11688, size=30, align=1)
Subtitle("5 - David", first_frame=10460, last_frame=10945, size=30, align=3)
Subtitle("2 - David", first_frame=10946, last_frame=13189, size=30, align=3)
Subtitle("5 - S'Tsung", first_frame=11689, last_frame=14442, size=30, align=1)
Subtitle("0 - David", first_frame=13189, last_frame=14442, size=30, align=3)
Subtitle("That's how you cheat. David should have mulled first but waited for my answer^^", first_frame=1250, last_frame=1450, y=600,size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("David rolled 2", first_frame=457, last_frame=610, y=600,size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("I managed to roll 1", first_frame=611, last_frame=811, y=600,size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("Both of us keep not an ideal hand", first_frame=2500, last_frame=2700,y=600, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("I forgot to substract 2 for David's Stomping Ground", first_frame=3174, last_frame=3374,y=600, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("so the life totals in the audio track don't match the ones you see
", first_frame=3375, last_frame=3575,y=600, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("and that's also why I thought that I need to top deck well on the last turn", first_frame=3576, last_frame=3776,y=600, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("Goblin Guide attacks and helping me as there is forest awaiting me", first_frame=2902, last_frame=3100,y=600, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("Wrong combination of lands in play...fetchlands decided not to show up", first_frame=6437, last_frame=6637,y=600, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("David has one land though...", first_frame=6638, last_frame=6838,y=600, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("David: One land, one land... oh yes a fetchland", first_frame=7145, last_frame=7345,y=600, size=25, align=2, text_color=$00ffffff)
Subtitle("I thought that David has 4 life so that's why I wanted to draw a burn spell", first_frame=12805, last_frame=13005,y=600, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("I admit though that Qasali Pridemage would do the job as well", first_frame=13006, last_frame=13206, y=600, size=25, align=2)
Subtitle("The game is over", first_frame=13500, last_frame=13700, y=600,size=30, align=2)
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