Monday, October 17, 2011

Manga Girl no.2

This time I decided to try carbon copy technique. I did not expect the carbon to be visible on the card's surface but in the end it looks fine (even on a really dark background). I decided to try this because when even drawing the very same image I drew already I usually mess up somewhere. I wanted to know where the problem lies and if I will have the same problems seeing the whole picture. And I noticed that as well when doing this.

Today, what I wanted to do is to carbon copy a previous drawing I made and then color it and try to add some details. I got a much better result then I expected but there is much more space for improving.

I scanned my image because I want to keep it and well because it is drawn on a really hard/heavy paper (multilayered), I printed it out. That was what I used to copy it.

After that I could see the copied outline on the card I wanted to alter. As I don't have aceton for getting rid of the original print I decided to paint over it and see if I can manage to cover the print fully. (here I need to try a different method, most probably I will try painting it black, then white and then I will apply the skin color - I'll try this next time, I have one more commission to do).

Then I started with the base coat. It was rather difficult to do, not what I expected. The base coat was actually yellow (it does not show on the picture...). After that I started with pink/orange/yellow layers.

When the layers were done - well more would be better I guess - I tried to outline everything and I realized that I forget one leg...ouch. That did not end up good.

Time for some hair color and final touches. I tried to figure out what to do with the face. It seems that I can't focus on something as whole. I need to work on that and be more cautious about that.

On the following photo, there is the original drawing + the final version of the painted card.

A scan of the card.


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