Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Progress Report #2

This week I made few doodles. Some better, some worse. In all there was a creature and a background. I tried to work with the space but I miss the main points most probably as everything I draw seems to be close and the idea of space cannot really be seen.

Here I present you my two best sketches. In the first picture to achieve a better result I should change the perspective it should be a view probably from the shoreline or sea level. That way it might have much bigger impact on the viewer. In the second one the viewer is somewhere between the ground and first level. Maybe the viewer should be standing somewhere behind the samurai's running to intercept that whatever being. I'll try to figure out what I should do with those.

Well the first thing is to realize something and then learn from the mistakes. I will try to think about this when drawing another sketches.

I also tried finding out what's wrong with my previous images and I slightly changed one of them and I think I achieved a better result.


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